La guera

La güerita

Identity is a funny thing. I always described myself as a brunette. Until Mexico. Here my hair color has become my identity. I am Blonde. Rubia. Güera. Gringa.

I used to try to fight it. Try to “fit in” on the street. But there is no fitting in. I will never fit in. So, I find myself playing into it. I am more blonde than ever. I ride the metro with unashamed pride, go running where no Mexicans run, eat tacos with the best of them. And hear “güerita” or “güera” at least 3 times a day.  Awesome.

This is my view (vista) of Cultur in Mexico and the world.  Enjoy!

– Amanda Martin

8 Responses to “Güerita”

  1. Hey Girl!
    I like your blog- it’s a pleasant distraction and I plan on living vicariously through you and your travels! It sounds like you’re doing well- and hey- you look great as a blonde! it’s funny how things about ourselves just evolve and we become okay with that… (i’d like to be more eloquent, but it’s one in the morning and i’ve been writing a nursing care plan all night!) keep up the writing- i’m gonna put you on my blogroll! and if you’re really bored, you can check out mine 😉

  2. I love your site. Keep it up !

  3. kevin Says:

    yes, I have had similar experiences in mx city. once you realize you will never “fit in” totally how you would like you start to gain more confidence in your everyday activities. it is very liberating. for the longest time i didn’t want to be a outsider but once i embraced it things have come much easier. and most people are extemely nice.

  4. Vincent Says:

    Hello Amanda,

    I love your blog! I’ve been reading it assiduously ever since I decided to move to Mexico City (my lover lives here). Very interesting take on life here and Mexican culture.

    Quick question: do you know of any associations, groups or social gatherings of young expats (20ish, early 30ies) here in MX City? I just moved here last week so my social circles are rather limited. Since you know the city so well, I thought I’d ask you…

    Thanks and congrats again for your blog.

  5. CancunCanuck Says:

    I came here as “guera” (platinum hair!) and I definitely stood out. I changed my hair colour to dark and surprise, surprise, taxis started stopping faster, prices for certain things dropped and more people spoke Spanish to me. I still don’t fit in, and I still get called “guera”, but at least folks don’t see “gullible turista” coming at a distance. 😛

  6. Jon Iglesias Says:

    nice blog; after 10 years here, I wouldn’t have the patience to write and foto about my experience – i’d just shout out insults!

  7. Emily Says:

    My name is Emily. I work for a market research company in Boulder, Colorado USA. I was searching for cultural expert in Mexico City and found YOU!
    I am reaching out to you because my organization is looking for “cultural experts” in Mexico City.
    We would like to have a paid phone interview with you and one other expert in Mexico City. We would like to test and refine our hypothesized tension points, and core beliefs about the human and cultural context that are presently shaping our clients-consumer’s attitudes and behaviours. This project is for a global brand and the turnaround is quick.
    These interviews would last about an hour and take in two weeks

    Please get back to me as soon as you can.


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